NEW DELHI: The government is working towards widening the portrayal of the nation’s societal and cultural landscape while still preserving the military and martial spirit of the Republic Day parade, Defence Secretary Rajesh Kumar Singh stated on Monday.“What is unique this time is that from a military character we want a broader societal, cultural programme. Last time, there were some 1,500 performances, but the public said that most of it was concentrated around the Presidential dias. Based on the feedback, we have increased the number (of cultural performers) to over 5000, so that all viewing galleries will see the same dance performance at the same time,” Singh said while briefing the media on the RD parade.Confirming the absence of indigenous Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH), indigenously designed and developed, Defence Secretary said it will not participate in this year’s Republic Day flypast following the grounding of the fleet after a recent crash.“The ALH will not be participating in the parade, but 39 other aircraft will feature in the flypast, showcasing 12 different formations,” he said.The decision was taken in light of the recent crash of an ALH belonging to the Coast Guard in Porbandar, Gujarat, on January 5, which claimed the lives of three Coast Guard personnel. Following the incident, the entire fleet of approximately 330 ALH choppers were grounded as a precautionary measure.
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