The defamation case was filed by a BJP leader, Navin Jha, who alleged in his complaint that Rahul Gandhi, during a Congress plenary session on 18 March 2018, made a speech against the BJP, allegedly calling Amit Shah a “murder accused.”In his defamation complaint, he further said that the Congress leader’s comments were an insult to all workers, supporters, and leaders “who have been working selflessly for the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP).”The Jharkhand HC judge, Justice Ambuj Nath, dismissed Gandhi’s plea after finding Gandhi’s comments “prima facie defamatory in nature.””Prima facie the alleged statement (Rahul Gandhi) points out that Gandhi has imputed that the BJP leadership was drunk with power and was composed of liars. It further means that the party workers of the BJP will accept such person/persons as their leader. This imputation is prima facie defamatory in nature,” the Jharkhand HC, had said, in its judgement, last year, before refusing to quash the defamation proceedings case going on in a trial court in Jharkhand.
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