The Chief Minister cautioned the authorities to be prepared for an estimated footfall of 8 to 10 crore on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya. Additionally, large crowds are anticipated on Republic Day. He emphasised the need for robust arrangements to ensure the convenience and safety of the visitors.The Chief Minister directed officials to ensure uninterrupted electricity and water supply, proper maintenance of toilets and cleanliness, upkeep of pontoon bridges, and a well-planned crowd management strategy. He emphasised the need for a consistent public announcement system to keep the visitors abreast with traffic management and parking arrangements.He emphasised the need to improve mobile network services in the fair area, stating that reliable connectivity was essential for everyone, including the media, police, and devotees. He stressed the importance of enhancing tower capacity and coverage, especially in view of Mauni Amavasya.The Chief Minister directed railway authorities to implement special arrangements from January 25 to February 5 with utmost vigilance. He also stressed the importance of regular announcements about train schedules and platform numbers, ensuring that once a platform is assigned, it remains unchanged.Railway officials informed the Chief Minister that over 200 Mela Special Trains are planned for Mauni Amavasya. Additionally, the Chief Minister instructed the Transport Corporation to increase the number of shuttle buses and ensure their continuous operation to accommodate the large influx of devotees.The Chief Minister instructed officials to improve infrastructure and basic facilities across various sectors, emphasising the need for better drinking water supply and toilet arrangements in sectors related to Prayagwal. He stressed the importance of ensuring that Kalpvasis face no difficulties and directed authorities to prioritise their needs.The Chief Minister also highlighted the need for effective coordination with local organisations for the smooth operation of the digital Lost and Found Centers. Additionally, he directed officials to set up bonfires at various locations in the Mela area to provide warmth and to ensure the safety of the ghats. He emphasised the active presence of the Water Police and Ganga Doots to maintain security and assist devotees effectively.
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