Sukhpal Singh Bhati, partner in the firm responsible for organizing the fair, said that this year, around 2,800 to 3,000 horses and mares were brought to the fair by stud farm owners from across the country, mainly from Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat. Of these, approximately 600 horses were sold. “Foals (two months to one year old) are sold for about Rs 50,000, and the average price of normal horses is between Rs 1.50 lakh and Rs 3.50 lakh. The price depends on factors like height, legs, chest, color, teeth, trot, and body size,” he said. Buyers came from across the country.Singh’s company, which charges a 4 percent commission on any sale, further explained that most stud farm owners display their horses and mares at the fair for show, rather than to sell them. Horses are often sold later on, after the fair ends.An officer from the animal husbandry department, speaking on the condition of anonymity, explained that foals, colts, and fillies (one to three years old) are generally sold. White-colored horses of the Nukra breed are used for marriage functions, while Marwari horses are used for breeding. Other horses are used in polo and games like pegging. “Most deals are done discreetly to avoid the 4 percent commission, and the actual price of the horse is never disclosed,” he added.
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