Bidar: Bidar District In-Charge Minister Eshwar Khandre on Friday visited the site of a robbery in Bidar that resulted in the murder of CMS personnel Giri Venkatesh and left another, Shivakumar, critically injured. The robber took away Rs 83 lakh cash that was supposed to be taken from the bank to various ATMs. Special teams have been formed to track down the accused. During his visit, Khandre was accompanied by senior police officials, including ADGP (Crime) P. Harishekaran, IGP (Northern Range) Ajay Hilory, and SP Pradeep Gunti. The Minister directed authorities to expedite the investigation and ensure the culprits are apprehended at the earliest. He also emphasized enhancing security at banks and public spaces to prevent such incidents in the future. On Thursday night, Khandre, who flew to Hyderabad from Bengaluru, met with Shivakumar’s family and assured them of full government support, including covering all medical expenses. Shivakumar is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Hyderabad. The Minister also held discussions with the medical team, urging them to provide the best possible care for the injured personnel.
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