RANCHI: In a setback for para-teachers, the Jharkhand High Court on Friday ruled against granting relaxation in qualifying marks for the ongoing appointment process of 26,000 assistant teachers in the state. The court annulled the provision for mark relaxation, deeming it unjustified. The bench of Chief Justice MS Ramachandra Rao and Justice Deepak Roshan issued the order while hearing a petition challenging the 50% reservation for para-teachers and the relaxation in marks under the Assistant Teacher Appointment Rules. On Wednesday, the court had reserved its decision after hearing arguments from all parties. The petition was filed by Krishna Kumar Halder, with advocates Shubham Kumar Mishra, Kumar Pawan, and Shivam Utkarsh Sahay representing him. Advocates Sanjoy Piparwal, Radha Krishna Gupta, and Pinky Sahu appeared for the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, while advocate Rahul Sabu represented the state government.
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