Global Star Ram Charan joined forces with visionary filmmaker Shankar for the highly anticipated project, Game Changer. The film was produced on a grand scale by Dil Raju and Sirish. Amid huge expectations, the film was released on January 10 and opened to a super positive response from the audience.A pirated version of the movie was leaked online by a group of approximately 45 individuals. The film’s team immediately filed a cybercrime complaint to address this issue.Also a TV channel named AP Local TV illegally telecasted the pirated film version in Andhra Pradesh.Taking immediate action, M/S Copyright Safety Systems, led by Managing Director Mr. H.V. Chalapathi Raju, collaborated with the Gajuwaka Police and Crime Clues Team under the Visakhapatnam Commissionerate. A joint raid was conducted on AP Local TV, represented by Appala Raju, who broadcasted the pirated version of Game Changer. The officials seized all equipment, registered an FIR (22/2025), and arrested the responsible individuals.Earlier, the film’s team also noted a planned negative campaign against Game Changer on social media platforms such as X, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. The campaign involved sharing not just leaked clips but the entire movie online and on TV, which are serious violations of copyright law.
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