Hyderabad: BRS working president K.T. Rama Rao said that he would cooperate with the investigation agencies and answer queries any number of times and claimed that ACB and ED cases were being filed as part of vendetta politics. Addressing the media after his interrogation by the Enforcement Directorate in the Formula E car case, Rao claimed: “Cases by ACB and ED were filed against me as the Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy also faces them. The Rs 10 crore being spent on the probe into this case can be used to provide loan waivers to farmers and to implement welfare programmes. I respect the constitution and rule of law.”He said, “The ACB posed 80 questions and the ED 40. The questions by both the agencies were on the same lines. There is no money laundering here as it reached the intended beneficiary and there is no corruption. The time of officials is being wasted.” Calling for an open debate on the issue before a High Court judge in the presence of the media, he stated his readiness for an open debate and a lie-detector test with the CM.“This will make clear as to who is right and who is wrong and also which case has more merits. The date, time can be of Revanth Reddy’s choosing. People will realize the truth soon.”The next day of hearing has not been decided as yet, he said.
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