Kishor said, “During my 14-day fast-unto-death I came to know that Nitish Kumar’s mental condition is not good and he is not in a condition to take any decision on any major issue. There has been no response from the government on the agitation launched by BPSC candidates, which raised suspicion on the mental health of the chief minister.”The former political strategist sought an official declaration from the government on the chief minister’s mental health. “The 13 crore people of Bihar should know whether their democratically elected mukhiya’s mental health condition is sound and whether he is mentally fit to take decisions on his own or run the government on the advice of selected people for the remaining 10-11 months when assembly polls will be held in the state,” he said. This comes after leader of Opposition in the Bihar assembly Tejashwi Prasad Yadav’s repeated remarks that Nitish Kumar is not in a condition to run the government. “A group of retired bureaucrats are running the government and Nitish ji is tired now,” Tejashwi has said on several occasions.
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