Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Thursday said that the people of Telangana were scared to visit Delhi fearing that they might be admitted to a hospital due to rising pollution levels in the national capital. Speaking to media persons in New Delhi, he said the Congress government in State stopped the former Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s loot and that the money was being used to implement guarantees and welfare in Telangana. “If we control corruption, especially that related to liquor case, then the common man would benefit from it. If we stop the corruption completely, we will be able to implement the guarantees given to the people and the same thing the Congress government is doing in Telangana,” he explained “We defeated the liquor partner in Telangana and came to Delhi to defeat the other partner. If needed I will come and extend support to the party in Delhi,” he said. Referring to his visit to Davos, Revanth Reddy said that efforts were being made to attract investments worth Rs.1 lakh to Telangana and added he would share details of investments once he returns to India on January 26.
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