He added that, given the new political equations in Jharkhand, he is prepared to join the BJP along with his team. Bhuiyan’s son, Viplav Bhuiyan, is also likely to join the BJP. Notably, Viplav contested the Jugsalai Assembly seat in Jamshedpur as an independent candidate after being denied a ticket by the JMM, but he lost.JMM General Secretary Vinod Pandy, commenting on the matter, said, “Bhuiyan has to take a call on his next move. But, if he has any grievances, he should put them at the right forum.”Meanwhile, Raghubar Das has returned to action, making statements aimed at energising the BJP cadre. There is speculation that Das might either replace Babulal Marandi as the state president or be given another senior role, given his credentials as a cadre-based leader. Das, who joined the Jan Sangh as an ordinary cadre in the 1970s, is widely regarded as an ideologically committed politician.Das became the first non-tribal chief minister of Jharkhand, completing a full five-year term due to his strong connections within the party cadre and his dedication. The BJP’s decision to appoint him as Odisha’s governor was seen as a move to strengthen Marandi’s influence in Jharkhand. However, Marandi’s leadership has not yielded results, with the BJP failing to wrest control from the JMM-led coalition in the 2024 elections.The BJP is now under pressure to consolidate support among Jharkhand’s 74 per cent non-tribal population, especially given that the state’s tribal population, comprising 26 per cent, largely supports the JMM-led coalition. The recent defections of influential JMM leaders like Champai Soren and the potential inclusion of Bhuiyan are part of a larger BJP strategy to solidify its position in the state.Champai Soren’s switch to the BJP has already created significant ripples, and Dulal Bhuiyan’s likely defection is expected to further bolster the party’s foothold in Jharkhand.
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