Khedkar, in her appeal, said she belongs to the Vanjari community, categorised as OBC, and possesses an OBC caste certificate issued by the Sub-Divisional Officer, Pathravi, Ahmednagar District. She stated that from 2012 to 2017, she took five attempts in the Civil Services Examination (CSE) as an OBC candidate.She further explained that with the implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, she became eligible to appear as a PwBD candidate under categories (a) and (d) of Section 34(1) of the Act. Accordingly, she appeared in the CSE as a PwBD candidate from 2018.Khedkar also alleged that while posted in Pune, she was sexually harassed by the District Collector, Suhas Divase. She accused him of abusing his position and authority to exploit her due to her probationary status.She stated, “The petitioner complained against the District Collector to the Chief Secretary. Meanwhile, Divase submitted a report to the Additional Chief Secretary regarding the petitioner’s seating arrangements, use of a private vehicle, and recommended her transfer from Pune. This report was also circulated widely on social media, harming the petitioner’s goodwill.”
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