Zuckerberg’s remarks were made during a podcast with Joe Rogan, where he cited India as an example of the global dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.He suggested that, following the pandemic, most incumbent governments, including India, lost in the subsequent elections.“Reaction on Covid probably caused the breakdown in trust in a lot of governments around the world. 2024 was the big election year around the world and a lot of countries like India and tons of countries that had elections and incumbents basically lost every single one. There is some sort of global phenomena—whether it was inflation because of the economic policies to deal with Covid or just how the governments dealt with covid—seems to have this effect that’s global, not just the US…there was like a very broad decrease in trust at least in the set incumbents and maybe in sort of these democratic institutions overall,” Zuckerberg told Rogan.
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