“Immediately after the repeal of the laws, various BJP leaders made such intemperate statements pointing toward malintent and conspiracy of the government to bring back the three farm laws. On 21st November 2021, Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra openly said that the three repealed farm laws will be brought back. Prime Minister’s favourite Member of Parliament, Adityanath Ji’s right-hand man, Unnao MP Sakshi Maharaj said in his constituency in UP that the laws will be brought back by another way,” he said.“Many people dismissed these statements as aberrations, but, yesterday, in Maharashtra none less than Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar has fortified the conspiracy being hatched by Modi Government to bring back the three anti-farmer laws after the completion of the five elections to the five assemblies in the states,” he added.“Three things were said by Tomar. Number one, Tomar called the repealed three farm laws as the most progressive piece of legislation in last 75 years. Mr Tomar, if they were so progressive then why did you repeal them and why were the entire 62 crore farmers agitating against it?” Surjewala said.“Second thing that Tomar said was that certain farmer unions could not digest these laws, taking a dig at the agitating farmers. Thirdly, Tomar also said that the government has only taken one step backwards and they will now move ahead. Meaning thereby that after the elections to UP, Uttarakhand and Punjab and other assemblies, through the back door these laws will be brought back to impinge upon the rights of the farmers and to barter and sale agriculture at the altar of the capitalists friends of the BJP,” he added.
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