However, Singh summoned the courage to ask the caller to send his ‘man’ to his office to collect the extortion money. Following this, the minister contacted DGP Vinay Kumar and narrated the incident. The DGP promptly set up a special team to trace the mobile number used for the extortion call.Singh is the state labour department minister in the Nitish Kumar cabinet. The caller, who claimed to be Lawrence Bishnoi, also referenced the murder of NCP leader Baba Siddiqui on October 12 last year to exert pressure on the minister.”It may be a fake call in the name of Lawrence Bishnoi,” Singh said to the media.In a related incident, Independent MP from Purnea, Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav, had also informed the police of receiving threat calls from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, demanding large sums of money as extortion.Pappu Yadav had sought enhanced security cover due to these threats. However, during the investigation, it was revealed that the threats against Pappu Yadav were fabricated in an attempt to secure additional security.
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