Even on Tuesday, Lalu’s eldest daughter and MP from Patliputra, Misa Bharti, said that the doors for Nitish were open and RJD would welcome him if the latter thinks so.Misa said that nothing can be predicted in politics. “Auspicious work will start after Makar Sankranti, which is being celebrated in a traditional way across Bihar on Tuesday,” she said in an oblique reference to the possibility of Nitish’s JD(U)’s return to the Opposition camp.In response to a media query, Misa said that there have been instances in the past when the state’s political dynamics changed after ‘Makar Sankranti’. Nitish had dumped RJD and joined hands with BJP to form the NDA government on January 28 last year.When asked whether Nitish will come to Rabri Devi’s residence to participate in ‘Dahi-Chura Bhoj’, the RJD MP said that it would be good if he (Nitish) comes.”Nitish Ji is like our guardian, he is most welcome if he reunites with the Grand Alliance,” he asserted.On the other hand, Union Minister and LJP (RV) chief Chirag Paswan took a jibe at RJD for projecting Tejashwi as the next CM of Bihar.”The NDA will contest the assembly elections with full energy and dedication, ensuring its return to power after the assembly elections,” he told the media on the sidelines of ‘Dahi-Chura Bhoj’ at his party office in the state capital.
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