Justice Chandran was appointed a Judge of the High Court of Kerala on November 8, 2011, and was elevated to the position of Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna on March 29, 2023.He has been functioning as the Chief Justice of the Patna High Court since then, according to a statement from the Supreme Court Collegium.With more than 11 years of experience as a Judge and over a year as Chief Justice of a prominent High Court, Justice Chandran has gained significant experience in diverse areas of law.He ranks at serial number 13 in the combined all-India seniority of High Court judges and holds the top spot in the seniority list of judges from the High Court of Kerala.In recommending his name, the Collegium took into account the fact that there was no representation from the High Court of Kerala on the Bench of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the Collegium unanimously recommended Justice Chandran for appointment as a Supreme Court Judge.In a separate notification, the President, exercising the power conferred by Article 223 of the Constitution of India, appointed Justice Ashutosh Kumar, a Judge of the Patna High Court, to perform the duties of the Chief Justice of that High Court from the date Justice Chandran relinquishes his charge, consequent upon his elevation as a Supreme Court Judge.
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