LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee (UPCC) has launched a massive exercise to reorganise its units from the grassroots to the top, following their dissolution by the party’s high command a month ago. The process began a week ago when senior leaders, including All India Congress Committee (AICC) General Secretary in charge of UP, Avinash Pande, and state Congress Chief Ajay Rai, arrived in the state capital. Since then, they have been conducting marathon meetings with party leaders and workers from different zones to revamp the organisational structure. The state leadership, buoyed by the Congress’s performance in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections where it increased its tally from one to six, is focused on evaluating cadres for inclusion in the new teams. The goal of the exercise is to build a robust grassroots leadership across all regions. The initiative gained momentum after a meeting between Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and UPCC leaders in Delhi. A panel has been formed to evaluate applications from potential inductees and interact with them. The panel includes senior AICC and state leaders, ex-presidents of the UPCC, current and former MLAs and MPs. Besides Avinash Pande and Ajay Rai, the panel comprises AICC secretaries in charge of each zone, former UPCC chiefs Salman Khurshid, Raj Babbar, Nirmal Khatri, Brijlal Khabri, and Ajay Kumar Lallu, as well as PL Punia and Amethi MP KL Sharma. The UPCC has divided the state into six zones: Western UP, Eastern UP, Awadh, Prayagraj, Braj, and Bundelkhand.
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