SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on the inauguration of Z Morh tunnel in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district on Monday reminded Prime Minister Narendra Modi of restoration of statehood promise.”We hope that you (PM Modi) will soon fulfill your promise made during the Yoga Day event in Srinagar. Jammu and Kashmir will soon take its place as a state in the country,” Omar said while addressing a function organised after inauguration of the Z Morh tunnel by PM Modi in Sonamarg.PM Modi during the Yoga Day event in Srinagar last year had assured that statehood to Jammu and Kashmir would be restored.The Omar Abdullah cabinet in its first meeting after taking over reins of J&K UT had passed a resolution calling for restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir in its original form.After the resolution was cleared by Lt Governor Manoj Sinha, CM Omar visited New Delhi and met PM Modi, HM Amit Shah, DM Rajnath Singh and other leaders. He handed them copies of the resolution and demanded early restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir.”On this happy occasion, I would like to thank you that you came here in this intense cold and inaugurating the Z Morh tunnel. The weather also favoured as not a single cloud is there, and the sun is shining bright. There is no lack of warmth in our hearts,” Omar told PM Modi at today’s function.”We hope that you keep coming to Jammu and Kashmir and participate in our happiness,” added Omar.The Z Morh tunnel will give all-year connectivity to the tourist destination of Sonamarg and boost local trade and tourism.
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