He told the SP that he was carrying Rs.64 lakh in cash in two separate bags each containing Rs.32 lakh. The police officials stopped him near Reva Ghat bridge on the pretext of searching for illegal arms and liquor in the vehicle. After noticing huge money in the bags, the police officers sought to know the purpose of carrying the cash with him. “I explained to them that I am a businessman and going to Muzaffarpur for business purposes,” he told the police chief. The SHO and the driver, however, threatened to book him in a false case. After much persuasion, they returned one bag and kept the other one with them.”My repeated pleas to return the bag containing money fell on deaf ears,” Rohan said. The incident happened on January 10. On receiving the complaint, SP Kumar Ashish asked the DSP, Marhaura, to inquire into the matter and submit a report. “The allegations against the SHO and the driver were found true,” Ashish said. An FIR has been lodged at Maker police station in connection with the incident.The SP said that those involved in illegal activities would not be spared. On the other hand, policemen performing well will be suitably rewarded, he added.
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