The apex court said this after hearing the Muslim side challenge the Allahabad High Court’s order allowing the plea of the Hindu side seeking consolidation of the suits.”Why should we interfere in the issue of consolidation? It is in your (Muslim side) benefit and theirs also that multiple proceedings are avoided. We will adjourn this. Re-list in the first week of April 2025,” the apex court said.From the Muslim side, senior lawyer Huzefa A. Ahmadi and Advocate on Record (AOR) Fuzail Ahmad Ayyubi represented the Muslim side, while Vishnu Jain argued for the Hindu side before the Apex Court.The apex court said that the counter affidavit/reply/status report should be filed by the respondents, including from the Hindu side, within two weeks from today or from the date of service of notice, as the case may be.While refusing to pass any order on the plea of the Muslim side, the bench adjourned the matter to the first week of April.The top court is currently seized of a batch of petitions related to the dispute between the Hindu party, Krishna Janmabhoomi, and the Muslim side, Shahi Eidgah mosque.The controversy surrounds the Shahi Eidgah mosque in Mathura, which is alleged to have been built after demolishing the temple at the birthplace of Lord Krishna.
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