DEWAS: The decomposed body of a woman was found inside a refrigerator in a house in Madhya Pradesh’s Dewas city on Friday, following which a former tenant was taken into custody for questioning, police officials said.The saree-clad woman, who was wearing jewellery and whose hands were tied along with a noose around her neck, may have been killed last year, an official said.The house is located in Vrindavan Dham Colony under Bank Note Press police station limits, the official added.”The woman is in her 30s. We suspect she was killed in June 2024. After a foul smell started emanating, neighbours called the landlord who opened a portion of the house. The woman’s body was found in the refrigerator, the shelves of which had been removed. He then alerted police,” Dewas Superintendent of Police Puneet Gehlot told reporters.
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