During the protest, the demonstrators attempted to breach security barricades and move closer to Kejriwal’s residence.However, the police used water cannons to disperse the crowd and prevented them from advancing further.According to police officials, more than 20 protesters were detained for protesting without valid permission.”They were bundled into police buses and taken to different police stations,” a senior police officer said.BJP MP Manoj Tiwari said, “Arvind Kejriwal has always insulted the Purvanchali community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he made several objectionable statements, and now he has referred to them as ‘fake voters’. We will not forget this insult, and neither will the people of Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar. This betrayal will remain etched in the memory of Delhiites as well.” Kejriwal on Thursday accused BJP of manipulating the electoral rolls by registering “fake” voters from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in his constituency, New Delhi, ahead of assembly polls.
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