Visakhapatnam: Deputy Chief Minister K Pawan Kalyan said on Wednesday that the people’s trust in the NDA at the state and the Centre resulted in the grant of several central projects to Andhra Pradesh in recent months.Addressing a huge gathering during the launch of projects worth Rs.2 lakh crore by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Visakhapatnam, Pawan Kalyan noted that the TD-led alliance secured a sweeping victory with 164+21 seats in the assembly and LS respectively in the 2024 polls.“This trust has enabled us to lay the foundation for various transformative projects in the state today,’’ Pawan Kalyan said. Claiming that the investments in these projects would benefit over 7 lakh people in AP, Pawan Kalyan thanked the Prime Minister for his generous grant of funds for the state.These, he said, include allocations under the 15th finance commission, the development of Amaravati, the Jal Jeevan Scheme and the Polavaram Project, with a total outlay of ₹2 lakh crore, he said. “Under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, roads are being constructed in areas that have been neglected for the past 70 years. The PM’s aim is to ensure that every state achieves development,” PK said.The deputy CM said that in the last five years, Andhra Pradesh faced stagnation and darkness due to corruption and mismanagement. However, with the PM’s support and the CM’s guidance, the state has now “embarked on the path of progress and development with renewed vigour.” “ The Prime Minister is igniting the lamp of hope for the people of Andhra Pradesh. I express my gratitude to the public for their trust and confidence in us. We assure you that we will continue working tirelessly for the development of the state and the nation,’’ Pawan Kalyan said.
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