Before the HPC’s meeting with Dallewal, the Supreme Court’s two-judge Bench, comprising Justice Surya Kant and Justice N. Kotiswar Singh, adjourned the hearing to Friday, January 10, after the Punjab government informed the court that the protesting farmers had agreed to meet Justice Singh to negotiate and resolve the issue.Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, representing the Punjab government, apprised the Bench that the meeting was scheduled for 3 p.m. on Monday and expressed hope for a breakthrough.“Somehow, we have been able to persuade the protesting people to meet Justice Singh, who heads the Committee, at 3 p.m. today. We are hopeful that there would be a breakthrough,” Mr. Sibal said, requesting the court to adjourn the hearing.Allowing the plea, the Bench observed, “We hope better sense prevails. List this on Friday.”
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