GUWAHATI: In their ongoing crackdown against terror networks, the Assam Special Task Force (STF) arrested an accused from the Kokrajhar district on Monday.The accused was identified as Gazi Rahman (35). With this, 12, including a Bangladeshi national, have been arrested so far.“The person was absconding but the STF with assistance from the Kokrajhar police managed to nab him during a successful operation. Legal procedures are on,” STF chief Partha Sarathi Mahanta told media.“The STF is committed to apprehending all those connected to the case. Our investigation is on,” he added.The STF had nabbed three others recently in two separate incidents. Arms besides incriminating documents and electronic devices were also seized. As part of “Operation Praghat,” the STF arrested eight operatives of terror group Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) during simultaneous operations carried out in Kerala, West Bengal and Assam on the intervening night of December 17 and 18.One of them, Md Sad Radi alias Md Shab Sheikh, is a Bangladeshi national who was arrested in Kerala. Two others hail from West Bengal and the remaining five are from Assam.The Assam police said the operation was launched based on intelligence inputs about clandestine anti-national activities being carried out by a group of individuals under the direction of one Md Farhan Israk, a close associate of ABT chief Jasimuddin Rahmani. ABT is an affiliate of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent.
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