Former PM Manmohan Singh to PTI in one of the last interviews


Former PM Manmohan Singh to PTI in one of the last interviews

He noted that he had always welcomed scrutiny and accountability of government, as the same was intrinsic to democracy.Claiming that he had initiated action against his own people even when allegations were made, Singh had said that the Modi government considered itself inscrutable and unaccountable to a litany of corruption allegations and preferred to brazen it out by often shooting the messenger.The former prime minister claimed that the Modi government came to power on the promise of ushering in transparency and fighting against corruption.However, he said, in the previous five years, “we have only witnessed the stench of corruption peaking to unimaginable proportions”.Demonetisation was perhaps the biggest scam of independent India, he had noted.Singh, the architect of India’s economic reforms and a consensus builder in the rough world of politics, died at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, late on Thursday. He was 92.

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