Japanese professor invents ‘lickable’ TV to give your taste buds a treat-


Japanese professor invents 'lickable' TV to give your taste buds a treat-

By Online Desk

Now, we can taste our favourite food without gaining weight. 

A Japanese professor has developed a prototype lickable TV screen that can imitate food flavours. The device called Taste the TV (TTTV) uses a carousel of 10 flavour canisters that spray in combination to create the taste of a particular food. The flavour sample then rolls on hygienic film over a flat TV screen for the viewer to try. 

In the COVID-19 era, this kind of technology can enhance the way people connect and interact with the outside world, Reuters quoted Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita as saying. “The goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, even while staying at home,” he said.

Miyashita works with a team of students that has made various flavour-related devices, including a fork that makes food taste richer. He said he built the TTTV prototype himself over the past year and that a commercial version would cost about 100,000 yen ($875) to make. Potential applications include distance learning for sommeliers and cooks, and tasting games and quizzes, he said.

Miyashita has also been in talks with companies about using his spray technology for applications like a device that can apply a pizza or chocolate taste to a slice of toasted bread.

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