Members of several opposition parties on Friday moved a notice in the Rajya Sabha for the impeachment of Allahabad High Court Judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav over his alleged controversial remarks at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad event on December 8.The Supreme Court has sought details pertaining to the controversy from the Allahabad High Court.Adityanath, meanwhile, said society and the country need to expose those who want to suppress the truth.Those who spurn India’s legacy should be exposed, he said, alleging that the Opposition says that Lord Ram never existed.The Sanatan religion never claimed it is great, or it never said its supremacy must be accepted, Adityanath said, adding that it neither controlled anyone with a sword nor did it stake a claim on anyone’s land.”You have PM Modi showering flowers on workers who built the Ram Temple in Ayodhya for their hard work, and there will also be rulers who chopped the hands of workers who built the Taj Mahal,” he said.
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