In the inquiry, the police had confirmed that Gandhi had made the objectionable statement against Sawarkar in Maharashtra and it was aired through television and other communication medium.In the complaint, it has been said that in a press conference held on November 17, 2022, during his Bharat Jodo Yatra in Akola, Maharashtra, Rahul Gandhi had made serious remarks against Sawarkar amounting to spreading communal unrest. The complainant, Nripendra Pandey, alleged that Gandhi called Savarkar “a servant of the British who received a pension from them,” distributing pre-print pamphlets to media personnel to tarnish Savarkar’s image deliberately.Passing the summoning order, the court observed, “The material presented demonstrates that Gandhi’s remarks, broadcast nationwide via TV and social media, were intended to spread hatred and enmity, undermining the nation’s unity”.
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