The revelation came to light during a two-hour interrogation by Additional SP (North) Jitendra Kumar Srivastava of the teenager who confessed that he had pushed his mother during an argument.The sequence of events began when Ram Milan from BARC called his wife, Aarti, on the evening of December 3. After he couldn’t reach her as her mobile remained switched off for two days, on December 7, he sent his sister-in-law, to their house, which was locked from the outside.Ram Milan, on reaching Gorakhpur, found Aarti’s body in the house. Their son, who was found sitting on a bench in a nearby Shiva temple, initially tried to misguide both police and his father by telling them that Aarti died after a fall.“He claimed panic led him to lock the house from the outside and wander for four days. However, the autopsy report contradicted the minor’s account,” said the cops.“Further investigation raised suspicions. Bloodstains were found at two different spots, indicating the body was dragged, and CCTV footage confirmed no outsiders entered the house. While searching the boy’s room, large amounts of cash were recovered in denominations of Rs 500, Rs 200, and Rs 100,” added police.
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