NDA likely to win five RS seats unopposedIn the bypolls to the six vacant seats in Rajya Sabha, the NDA is set to bag five seats in the elections to be held on December 20. All the six candidates from across four states will be elected unopposed. While there are three vacancies in Andhra Pradesh, one seat each in Odisha, West Bengal and Haryana. The BJP is set to win three seats – one from Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.‘No data on action against medicos’The Centre said on Tuesday it does not have any data on action taken against registered medical practitioners, who did not prescribe drugs with generic names legibly and ensured rational use of drugs. In a written reply in Rajya Sabha, MoS for Health and Family Welfare, Anupriya Patel, said, “No data on the number of disciplinary proceedings and penalties against doctors in last five years is maintained by the ministry.”Merchant shipping bill tabled in LSA bill to expand the eligibility criteria for ownership of the merchant shipping vessels and provide for investigation and enquiries on marine casualties was introduced by Union minister Sarbananda Sonowal in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. The Merchant Shipping Bill, 2024 empowers the Central government to take charge and detain vessels within India or in coastal waters as a vessel without nationality, if such vessel is not legally entitled to fly the flag of a state or has lost such right.
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