The CSD card application requires a recommendation from another person before it is sanctioned. The RTI talks about it, with the response that the information asked in the query is not available in print/digital form.“The application of CSD is kept for 90 days after personalization of the card. The application is more than one year and nine months old thus not available,” the response said.The personnel of the Institute were well aware of the canteen card issued to DG with few mentioning the purchase of a four-wheeler through the CSD card, among the other things.“As per the policy only the authorised Card Holder can buy items/stores from the URC (Unit Run Canteen). No another person is allowed to enter the URC.”Also, the CSD card, as per the employees, was renewed as well in January 2023 with a new card issued. The card was issued in 2022.The sources when asked about the actions taken in such a case were not clear of the future course of action.The copy of the RTI which is available with the reporter was replied to by the MoD which funds the institute.
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