The incident happened on the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday. Singh’s bullet has been removed following surgery at a hospital in Ara.”He is out of danger
but he will remain under observation of doctors for some more days”, Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO), Jagdishpur, Rajiv Chandra Singh told PTI on Saturday.A case has been registered on the basis of a complaint filed by the family members of the victim and a manhunt has been lodged to nab the accused, said the SDPO.During investigation it was found that the accused had targeted another vehicle in the area on the same day, he said, adding forensic experts have been engaged to assist the police in the investigation.As per details provided by the passengers, police prepared sketches of the accused and taking help of villagers in ascertaining the identities of the accused, he said.”Further investigation is on and we have also recorded the statement of the driver,” the SDPO added.
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