Gorakhpur: Five people, including three members of a family, were killed in a collision between two motorcycles in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Saturday. Another biker rammed his vehicle into a truck while trying to avoid hitting the two motorcycles. Three people were critically injured in the incident which took place near the Mohaddipur power station late on Friday night, they said. Vikrant (35), a resident of Mohaddipur Bijli Colony, was returning home with his wife Nikita (30), their son Angad (5) and daughters Laado (1) and Pari, both infants, after attending a family function in Jatepur Uttari. When he turned towards Canal road, his motorcycle collided with another coming from Kundraghat, police said. A third biker crashed into a truck while attempting to avoid hitting the two motorcycles, they said. After receiving information about the incident, police reached the spot and rushed the injured to a hospital. Vikrant and his daughters, Monu Chauhan (32) of Rustampur and Suraj (28) of Betiahata Hanuman Mandir area were declared dead at the hospital. Both Monu and Suraj were also returning from a function, police said. The condition of Nikita, Angad and the third motorcyclist, Chinmayanand Mishra, is stated to be critical and they are undergoing treatment at BRD Medical College here. District Magistrate Krishna Karunesh and Senior Superintendent of Police Gaurav Grover visited the accident spot and the hospital to oversee treatment of the injured.
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