Hitting out at CM Bhagwant Mann for taking “fake credit’’ for nabbing the accused, Majithia displayed video to show the police was nowhere near the crime scene. He said police should explain how a man with terrorist link was allowed to roam in the temple complex for two days.LoP and Congress leader Partap Singh Bajwa said, “The attack is a grim reminder of the deteriorating law and order situation in Punjab. Such incidents undermine the very fabric of societal harmony.” He said the incident reflects a “colossal failure” of the police and home department, directly under CM Mann. BJP leader and former CM Capt Amarinder Singh said, “Badal had sought forgiveness from Akal Takht and was undergoing punishment. Those behind the attack have violated Sikh Maryada.’’Meanwhile, Mann condemned the attack but lauded the promptness of the police. “Punjab police prevented a major incident from happening,” he said.
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