Preparations were on in full swing for the swearing-in ceremony to be held on Thursday at the Azad Maidan in south Mumbai, which will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as nearly 2,000 VVIPs and 40,000 supporters. Several Union ministers, and 19 chief ministers and deputy CMs of various states are also expected to attend the ceremony.BJP leader Prasad Lad has said the ceremony will be a “historic moment” for Maharashtra. “The event will be telecast live across the state wherever LED screens are available,” he said.There are indications that the distribution of portfolios among the three allies might not be a smooth process.Sena leaders on Monday said that as per the “convention” of alliance politics, their party should get the home portfolio if the CM post went to the BJP.A Shiv Sena leader said a broad consensus has emerged among top BJP leaders and other Mahauti allies to drop ministers facing serious allegations of corruption in the new government.Earlier on Tuesday, Shinde visited a private hospital for a health check-up, setting tongues wagging in the Maharashtra political circles. “I came for a check-up. My health is in good condition,” he later told reporters while leaving the hospital.His decision to head to his village in Satara district last Friday had sparked speculation that he was unhappy over the way the new government was shaping up.The BJP achieved remarkable success in the November 20 Maharashtra elections, securing 132 out of 288 seats, marking its best performance in the state so far. Together with its allies — the Shiv Sena led by Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar’s NCP, the Mahayuti coalition has a commanding majority of 230 seats.
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