MUMBAI: Maharashtra caretaker Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is still sticking to the compromise formula he offered to Union Home Minister Amit Shah on November 29 if the BJP wanted the CM post, say Shiv Sena sources. Shinde, Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar had met Shah to discuss power sharing after the Mahayuti won 230 seats in the 288-member state assembly.The sources said Shinde told Shah then that as the assembly election was fought under his leadership, women voters, Marathas and OBCs voted for the Mahayuti due to the Ladli Bahena scheme, reservation decision and co-operative boards set up for various communities respectively. “Shinde said people hence voted with the expectation that he will be the next chief minister of Maharashtra, adding that if he is not made the chief minister, the wrong message will be sent to these sections of the society. He also showed a couple of surveys where he was the main choice of the people as chief minister,” said a senior Shiv Sena leader who requested anonymity.
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