26L members brought to saffron party fold during drive


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Siddiqui said 6,12,916 primary memberships were done through online from Uttar Pradesh, followed by 3,55,388 from Assam, 3,12,900 from Madhya Pradesh, 2,61,000 from Uttarakhand, 2,30,780 from Gujarat.Other states, which made thousands of Muslims as members are Bihar with 1,82,850, followed by Rajasthan 1,87,018, Kerala 93,731, Karnataka 93,000, Delhi 82,800, Tripura 70,673, and Chhattisgarh with 64,428.“We conducted the membership drive in minority-dominated areas via online and offline (on the spot) in 26 states to achieve the target,” he said. “Over the years, we have managed to convince Muslims as well others about the BJP’s politics of devlopment. Now they are BJP’s primary members. They are entitled to take part in elections of party office-bearers,” he said, adding that a large number of scholars of Islamic studies, retired teachers, religious preachers and others have joined the party as primary members.

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