Maximum reserved category posts lying vacant in CPWD


Maximum reserved category posts lying vacant in CPWD

NEW DELHI: Among the agencies which function under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Central Public Work Department (CPWD) has the highest number of reserved posts vacant. Sources said at least 330 positions belonging to scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and Other Backward Caste (OBC) category are vacant in CPWD.The issue came to the fore during a recent meeting of the ministry’s expert committee to review the backlog vacancies. Following the review, the department was asked to fill up the vacant posts at the earliest.The agencies which have unfilled reserved positions are directorate of printing, department of publication, National Building Construction Corporation, Housing and Urban Development Corporation, Delhi Development Authority, and Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation.In CPWD, there are 109 SC category posts vacant and 54 positions belonging to ST category are to be filled. According to the department, there are also 169 OBC backlog vacancies. All these vacancies are to be filled through direct recruitment and promotions. The officials of the CPWD, who were present in the meeting, were asked to place region-wise breakup of vacancies and current status on tentative dates for filling up of vacancies and also availability of suitable candidates in feeder cadre.“Reservation cell of the ministry was requested by the chair to issue a separate letter to CPWD, along with minutes of the meeting, highlighting the large number of vacancies in the department and directing it to take all necessary steps to fill these vacancies at the earliest,” read the minutes.

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