BJP to Delhi CM Kejriwal


BJP to Delhi CM Kejriwal

“If he had any decency, he would have resigned long ago, there would be no need for an excuse.The demand for two days’ time is probably to settle some remaining issues and gather more money. Given the deep-rooted corruption in the Kejriwal government, the entire cabinet should resign because there is no department untouched by corruption,” he said.Leader of Opposition in the Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta said Kejriwal’s decision to resign was a forced one to avoid answering questions from the public.He said after running the government from jail for the last six months, Kejriwal has now said he would resign with only a few months to go for the Delhi Assembly polls.Gupta claimed that after this announcement of resignation, Kejriwal will attempt to play the victim card.”Corrupt Kejriwal is handing over power to someone else after looting Delhi for 10 years to avoid answering questions from the public and to prevent his wrongdoings from being exposed,” he said.Gupta further said had Kejriwal resigned before he was sent to jail, the people of Delhi would not have suffered for the last six months.”The lives that were lost due to waterlogging during monsoon could have been saved. People who died in accidents caused by potholes on broken roads might still be alive today. Arvind Kejriwal is responsible for all these deaths. After his resignation, the end of the AAP’s misgovernance would be near. The way Kejriwal has ruled, his downfall was inevitable,” he said.The BJP leader said people have seen the reality of AAP leaders and will give them a fitting reply in the Assembly polls.

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