‘Key decisions taken by Modi government for farmers’ welfare’: Amit Shah


'Key decisions taken by Modi government for farmers' welfare': Amit Shah

NEW DELHI: BJP’s chief strategist and Union Home Minister Amit Shah  made significant claims about the Modi government’s efforts to support farmers, as Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir elections near. He said the Modi government is increasing exports to provide fair price to the farmers for their crops, so that farmers can get maximum price for their crops. On Saturday, Shah highlighted three major policy decisions taken by the Modi government with an aim to enhance farmers’ incomes and ensuring fair prices for their produce. He reiterated the commitment of government at the Centre towards farmers welfares.Shah said that three key decisions have been taken by the Modi government for farmers’ welfare and support in the agro-avocations. Firstly, Shah cited the removal of the Minimum Export Price (MEP) on onions and a reduction in export duty from 40% to 20% as the first of three key decisions of Modi government in the larger interests of farmers.He said that this policy is intended to boost onion exports, thereby increasing the income of onion-producing farmers by allowing them to access global markets more competitively.Secondly, Shah claimed that the government has abolished the MEP on Basmati rice. “This move is expected to benefit Basmati rice farmers by improving their profitability through increased export opportunities,” he said. And, the third major decision of Modi government involves raising import duties on various edible oils. Specifically, the import duty on crude palm oil, soya oil, and sunflower oil will be increased from 12.5% to 32.5%, while the duty on refined versions of these oils will rise from 13.75% to 35.75%. This adjustment aims to protect Indian soybean farmers by making imported oils more expensive, thus encouraging domestic production and potentially raising prices for local farmers’ crops.

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