Dietitians shed light on the potential health benefits of moringa


Dietitians shed light on the potential health benefits of moringa

Moringa is one of many plants that have been said to come with potential health benefits when consumed. Moringa is sold in an assortment of forms, including a stand-alone powder, oils, pill capsules and as one ingredient of many green protein powders. Moringa has been around for many years, especially in South Asia as well as Africa, but its popularity in the U.S. has blossomed recently. 8 BAD HABITS THAT MAKE YOU AGE FASTER, ACCORDING TO EXPERTSWhen incorporating any new supplement into your diet, it’s important to be mindful of aspects like the brand the product is from, always ensuring it is trustworthy and reputable, while also looking into all the ingredients in a specific product. “Be careful of the quality,” Isabel Smith, a New York-based registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition and Lifestyle, told Fox News Digital in a phone call. Moringa is popularly purchased in powder form and used for its many nutritional benefits.  (iStock)”You could run into heavy metals, you could run into bad products,” Smith added. “So you just want to be a conscious consumer as always, and make sure that you are purchasing a product from a company that you trust and love.”One way to ensure that a product is safe to use is by checking to see if it has been third-party tested. “That’s something I always stress, is that you want to look for products that are third-party tested, because then you will know that the ingredient in that product is safe, it’s pure and it has everything in it that it says it has in it,” Jerlyn Jones, an Atlanta-based registered dietitian and owner of The Lifestyle Dietitian LLC, told Fox News Digital, adding that it’s also important to make sure what you’re buying is 100% organic. THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF MATCHA, PACKED WITH ANTIOXIDANTS, MAY BE WORTH INCORPORATING INTO YOUR DIETUnlike matcha, which has also been associated with numerous health benefits and has grown in popularity in recent years, moringa is caffeine-free.Below are some of the health benefits that are believed to come from moringa. One way moringa can be added to your diet is by mixing powder into your healthy fruit and vegetable smoothies.  (iStock)Anti-inflammatory benefitsImmune system supportAnti-aging propertiesImproved cholesterol and blood sugar levels1. Anti-inflammatory benefitsOne of the biggest health benefits of moringa is that it can be used as a means to fight against inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s response to illness or infection, according to Harvard Health. CHERRIES ARE A SMALL FRUIT PACKED WITH MANY NUTRIENTS AND IMPRESSIVE HEALTH BENEFITSThere are many different diseases, including cancer and heart disease, that have been linked to chronic inflammation. Foods and supplements with anti-inflammatory properties can help lower the risk of these diseases and others.   Moringa can be found in a protein powder mixed with a variety of other vitamins and minerals. (iStock)”It’s got quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine, but also has some anti-inflammatory properties,” Smith said. Moringa also has “beta-carotene, which we know is really good for skin health and holds a lot of anti-inflammatory antioxidant capacities. So it seems to be like an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich plant,” Smith told Fox News Digital. Even though you could see this health benefit from moringa, it’s vital to remember that one dietary change or added supplement isn’t going to make drastic differences, and living an overall healthy lifestyle that works with your body is what matters most. “I don’t think any one thing can make the difference for somebody. I think all the bits and pieces and all the things we do in concert can all make a difference,” said Smith. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER2. Immune system supportA balanced diet can help provide the body with nutrients to keep it healthy and strong, but sometimes, the nutrients found in food aren’t enough. That’s one area where supplements come into play. Sometimes, the body doesn’t get enough of certain nutrients. Supplements can help bring your nutrient intake up.  Make sure your body is getting all the vitamins and nutrients that it needs to keep your immune system strong and avoid falling ill.  (iStock)Moringa is packed with different nutrients that can help your immune system’s strength and aid your body in fighting against potential illness. “It’s packed with vitamin C and A and vitamin E, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. A lot of these nutrients are nutrients that we are very low in,” Jones explained. 3. Anti-aging propertiesIf you want younger-looking skin, moringa could help you achieve your goal. For more Lifestyle articles, visit”We’re all really concerned about how we’re aging, and those compounds within moringa can help with our skin care and also anti-aging, because it has the anti-inflammatory, and so it’s promising in that way,” said Jones. Moringa is sold through many means, including pills, powder, oils and even in skincare products like body butter and serum, leaving consumers with many potential options for adding the supplement to their lives.  Moringa’s anti-aging properties could lead to healthier, younger-looking skin. (iStock)Supplements like moringa and the slew of others that have been suggested by experts in part for their anti-aging properties should of course be combined with proper diet and adequate exercise for optimal results. 4. Improved cholesterol and blood sugar levelsHigh cholesterol can pose danger to the body.  There are many lifestyle changes you can make in order to improve cholesterol, like avoiding smoking and foods that are high in saturated and trans fat. Jones told Fox News Digital that moringa has been shown to improve cholesterol levels in the body, due to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains that support overall heart health. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPIn addition to improved cholesterol, moringa is also believed to help balance blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can help manage diabetes, according to Jones. Of course, before adding moringa to your diet for any of its possible nutritional benefits, be sure to consult your doctor first. “Check in with your health care team, your medical team, to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with any other medications that you’re taking,” Jones explained. “Always check in with your doctor whenever you’re deciding to take a supplement.”  Ashlyn Messier is a writer for Fox News Digital. 

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