Indian lawyer receives gold medal at Stanford University on Sustainable Development


Indian lawyer receives gold medal at Stanford University on Sustainable Development

NEW DELHI: Professor Eeshan Chaturvedi, a distinguished scholar from Stanford University, has been awarded the inaugural gold medal for Weeramantry Global Fellowship for International Law on Sustainable Development.This recognition is named in honour of the esteemed late Judge C.G. Weeramantry, a former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and a pioneering advocate for sustainable development. This Award is supported by partnerships with experts and professors from academic institutions deeply linked to Judge Weeramantry’s legacy, including the University of Cambridge, McGill University, Universiteit Leiden, University of Colombo and Monash University, and was launched by the Weeramantry International Centre for Peace, Education & Research (WICPER) and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), with blessings of the Weeramantry family.Professor Chaturvedi’s recognition as the first recipient of this fellowship marks a significant milestone for Indian scholars in the field of international law. It highlighted the global recognition of Indian academia’s contributions to addressing some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.Professor Chaturvedi is the first Indian to receive the award and first recipient of this fellowship, underscoring his exceptional contributions to legal scholarship and education. His award recognizes not only his academic excellence but also his leadership within international councils, foundations, and networks dedicated to sustainable development.Professor Chaturvedi has made significant strides in the realm of international law, particularly concerning sustainable development. His innovative research and insightful publications have provided new perspectives and solutions to pressing global environmental challenges.

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