‘Centre had warned Kerala about heavy rains, landslides,’ says Shah


'Centre had warned Kerala about heavy rains, landslides,' says Shah

Shah highlighted that India’s early warning system, established in 2016 and updated to its most advanced version by 2023, is among the best globally, capable of providing up to seven days of advance notice for natural disasters. He defended the Centre’s role and its commitment to disaster management, pointing out that other states like Odisha and Gujarat had effectively utilized the early warning system and prevented loss of lives.The Home Minister noted that Odisha, under BJD rule at that time, had successfully averted major losses during a tsunami by acting on early warnings. Similarly, the Gujarat government managed to prevent any casualties during a recent tsunami through prompt action based on advance alerts shared by the Centre. Shah responded to Opposition members’ queries about the effectiveness of the government’s early warning systems, underscoring the importance of state governments’ responsiveness in disaster management. He asserted that the Modi government stands with the people of Wayanad amid this tragic incident and is taking all steps to support the post-landslide rescue operations.

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