Punjab is the highest consumer of fertilizers in the country, third highest consumer of chemical pesticides


Punjab is the highest consumer of fertilizers in the country, third highest
consumer of chemical pesticides

CHANDIGARH: Punjab is the highest consumer of fertilizers, comprising nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate and potash in the country as the average consumption of around 223 kg per hectare is significantly higher than the national average of 90 kg per hectare.While the total consumption of chemical pesticides in Punjab has reached 5,270 MT, making the state the third highest consumer of chemical pesticides in the country, following Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Only 7,000 hectares is under organic farming. All these facts came to light as Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shivraj Chouhan replied to a question asked by Member of Parliament Satnam Singh Sandhu in Rajya Sabha. “The 15 districts of Punjab have kg per hectare consumption over state average of 254.39 during the year 2022-23. According to the State Government the per hectare consumption of fertilizers is towards higher side due to very high cropping intensity and primarily Rice and Wheat being grown which are high demanding fertilizer crops,’’ read the reply. The state’s average consumption of around 223 kg per hectare is significantly higher than the national average of 90 kg per hectare. It further added, “As per the information received from Government of Punjab, out of the total gross cropped area of 78.71 lakh hectares, about 7,000 hectares are now under certified organic farming. The production of organic fertilizers has increased to 7407.066 MT during 2022-23 from 473.444 MT during 2021-22, indicating increase in production and use of organic fertilizers in Punjab.’’ “Punjab Government has informed that to promote balanced fertilizer use, awareness camps have been organized at village, block, and district levels. Farmers are being educated on proper fertilizer application, including the benefits of green manuring and gypsum application when necessary,’’ the reply read.

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