Chhattisgarh BJP govt orders probe into ‘School Jatan Yojana’ launched during Congress rule


Chhattisgarh BJP govt orders probe into ‘School Jatan Yojana’ launched during Congress rule

RAIPUR: The Chhattisgarh BJP government has ordered a probe into the alleged corruption in the Rs 2000 crore scheme ‘Mukhyamantri School Jatan Yojana’, which was launched during the earlier Congress regime.Based on the complaints received by the government regarding most of the works accomplished under the scheme remained in very poor quality with the allegations of irregularities reportedly occurred in collusion with officials of the school education department.On a directive by the Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, the school education secretary Siddharth Komal Pardesi has issued a circular to all district collectors asking them to submit a report after investigating into propriety of the approved works, the actual need of such works, quality of (finished and ongoing) tasks and verified expenses incurred under the given scheme.“The expert committee should be constituted to look into the quality of works undertaken at each stage. Initiate stern action against those found involved in irregularities and initiate action in accordance to the rules. After the probe into all works under the given scheme, the action taken reports should be submitted to the director, directorate of public instruction within 15 days”, said the letter issued by the secretary to the collectors.The School Jatan Yojana is intended to facilitate and develop infrastructure in the government schools of Chhattisgarh. With a budget of Rs 2033 crore, the scheme aims to create a convenient and conducive environment for students.During the Congress rule led by Bhupesh Baghel, over twenty-seven thousand projects were approved for the repair and renovation of school buildings and hostels across the state besides incorporating the works related to beautification of 26388 schools. The then government had claimed the scheme accomplished the repair works of school buildings, hostels and ashram school buildings.The School Jatan Yojana continues in the BJP government that came to power in December 2023.The previous week, the collectors have been ordered to carry out surveys of all school buildings in their respective jurisdiction area to ensure the requisite repair work of dilapidated school buildings and additional classrooms if needed must be constructed soon, keeping in view the safety of school children. “Every repair works should be carried out on priority to ensure safety where the structures of school buildings appear vulnerable”, said the release.

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