Water quality to be blamed for deaths of 4 special kids in Indore orphanage?


5 special children die of food poisoning at Indore orphanage

BHOPAL: Two days after four specially-abled boys died at an orphanage in country’s cleanest and first water plus city Indore following suspected food poisoning, more than 100 minors and youngsters have been hospitalized with similar symptoms at two separate government hospitals of the same city of Madhya Pradesh.While 60 more specially-abled boys from the Yug Purush Dham Ashram (the same orphanage where four boys died on Monday and Tuesday) of Malharganj area, were admitted at Chacha Nehru children hospital in the last two days, 55 youths (including girls) preparing for armed forces recruitment at a private coaching in Chitawad area were admitted at the MY Hospital with similar vomiting, diarrheal and acute dehydration symptoms.The 55 youngsters who are now stated stable at the MY Hospital, were residing in 3-4 private hostels in Chitawad area and preparing for armed forces recruitment at a common private coaching.According to Dr Sanjay Dixit, the Dean of the MGM Medical College (with which the MY Hospital and Chacha Nehru Hospital are associated) 12 out of the 60 boys (all specially-abled) were discharged from the hospital upon improvement in their condition on Thursday, while the 48 others are still under treatment at the same children hospital.Informed sources added that two severely malnourished and infected boys are admitted at the hospital’s ICU.Though the youngsters and the differently-abled boys were initially diagnosed to be suffering with diarrhea and vomiting with acute dehydration, the results of the Hanging Drop test of the fecal samples of some hospitalized boys and youngsters, are suggestive of suspected cholera.

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