BJP launches campaign for 2024 Lok Sabha elections


BJP launches campaign for 2024 Lok Sabha elections

Bharatiya Janata Party President J P Nadda on Thursday launched the BJP’s official campaign for the 2024 elections in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.During the campaign launch, which was done at the First time Voters Conclave (Nav Matdata Sammelan), a music video was released that showcased how Prime Minister Modi has turned the dreams and aspirations of crores of Indians into reality.”The ‘Tabhi Toh Sab Modi Ko Chunte Hai’ campaign has emerged organically from among the people and the BJP has adopted it in tune with the mass sentiment. The theme of this new campaign also complements the ongoing national fervour building in consonance with the ‘Modi Ki Guarantee’, mass movement,” a statement issued by the party said.Nadda urged all party workers to make themselves resonate with the sentiment of the people and to spread the awareness about this crucial campaign to every corner of the country.”PM Modi turns dreams into reality, guaranteeing delivery on promises and dreams spanning previous generation, present generation or the future generation of Amrit Peedhi. Dreams spanning years, decades or even dreams going back to 500 years have been delivered by PM Modi,” said Nadda while speaking at the launch.

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