As Gandhi Jayanti nears, dismay over brutal violence, hatred looms large


As Gandhi Jayanti nears, dismay over brutal violence, hatred looms large

With news just coming in of a group Bajrang Dal men attacking medical students in Karnataka, the questions that come up rather too spontaneously are: Why are these so called private senas and brigades not banned? Why are they allowed to expand, move about too freely and continue to bully and hound the citizens? What is the purpose of unleashing these brigades? Is the police force not really adequate or not really forceful enough? After all, what’s the requirement and need for these private groups indulging in moral policing, violent brutal attacks!In fact, as Gandhi Jayanti nears, one is dismayed and pained to see how violence seems overtaking all possible spheres. What would have been Mahatma Gandhi’s reactions if he were alive and had seen the disasters spreading out, on this land, where even dead bodies are not spared! Didn’t we see the sheer brutality unleashed last week by the police force on hundreds in Assam. Firing and killing. And a government hired photographer even stomping on a dead person, Assam’s Moinul Haque! We, the so called alive, just about watched those horrific shots on the small screen and that’s about it! Tell me, how many amongst us reached out to the families of the dead? Tell me, did the world get to see all those shots, so that they could remain updated on the latest round of violence hitting our citizens, so very brutally?Nah, most amongst us don’t have the means to convey our sorrow and helplessness at the destruction that has been on… how very frustrating and painful it gets to see our land and its inhabitants getting wrecked by unending violence and absolute misrule.

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